Below is the form to retrieve your Proxo authentication key. Upon pressing 'Retrieve Key' you agree to not hold Proxo, or it's respective affiliates responsible for anything while using the software. You acknowledge that you must be over 13 years of age to comply with these terms, and to use the software. You also acknowledge and give consent to log your data such as IP, USERNAME and HWID. This data is secured and protected, and is automatically cleared from the database after 24 hours.
This is known as a false positive. When a program does things like hide it's source code, trigger downloads, or affect your computer, it sometimes triggers your anti-virus as potentially unwanted software or malware. It does NOT mean Proxo is malicious in any way.
Our key system is used to generate revenue for our developers to support them, so they can continue to improve Proxo on a regular basis; and continue to provide it for completely free of charge
Roblox releases scheduled weekly updates every Wednesday, which stops our exploit from working. Assuming there are no delays, we usually update immediately or in a short amount of time
Not all scripts will work on Proxo, as it is, after all, a free exploit. We do our best to provide the best script support, but, not all scripts will work. This is absolutely no different for any other free exploit